Lots of little trees
In my field (computational humanities), people like to distribute databases as enormous XML files. These are often very flat trees, with the root element containing hundreds of thousands (or millions) of record elements, and they can easily be too big to be parsed into memory as a DOM (Document Object Model) or DOM-like structure.
This is exactly the kind of problem that streaming XML parsers are designed to solve.
There are two dominant approaches to parsing XML streams:
push-based models (like SAX, the "Simple API for XML"),
and pull-based models (like StAX, or—shudder—scala.xml.pull
Both of these approaches save memory by producing streams of events (BeginElement
, Comment
, etc.)
instead of reconstructing a tree-based representation of the file in
memory. (Such a representation can be 5-10 times the size of the file on disk, which quickly becomes a problem
when you have four gigs of memory and your XML files are approaching a gigabyte in size.)
Push-based APIs like SAX are inherently imperative: we register callbacks with the parser that specify how to handle events, and then it calls them as it parses the XML file. With a pull parser, on the other hand, the programmer sees the events as an iterator or lazy collection that he or she is responsible for iterating through. Newer frameworks that support streaming XML processing tend to provide pull-based APIs, and many developers find pull parsing more intuitive than SAX (or at least slightly less miserable).
Either approach is reasonably convenient for the database-as-big-XML-file problem when the record elements have a simple structure—if the record elements are empty and fields are represented as attributes, for example. As the record element schema becomes more complex (optional elements, deeper nesting, etc.), writing a streaming processor—either SAX or pull—quickly becomes painful.
One alternative approach would be to load the XML file into some kind of XML database (like BaseX, or eXist) that would allow us to interact with the XML tree in a friendlier way, without needing to represent the whole thing in memory. In many cases this is probably the right choice, but it's a lot of overhead in terms of setup, and isn't the kind of thing I personally want to have to do for a quick one-off data munging job.
The ideal solution would be something like what Jackson provides for JSON processing:
For example, to process very large JSON streams, one typically starts with a streaming parser, but uses data binder to bind sub-sections of data into Java objects: this allows processing of huge files without excessive memory usage, but with full convenience of data binding.
This Stack Overflow question suggests that there's no straightforward equivalent for XML in Java or Scala.
I've been working with conduits in Haskell recently, and when I found myself needing to parse the large IndexCat XML files published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, I decided to take a stab at building on xml-conduit's streaming XML parser to add support for this kind of multi-mode parsing.
This was actually incredibly easy.
I started
by adapting some code
from Text.XML.Unresolved
for parsing event streams.
The original version built a document from a complete event
stream, while mine
builds a node from part of a stream (if it can), and has the following signature:
buildNode :: MonadThrow m => Consumer Event m (Maybe Node)
I've also provided a couple of convenience functions that wrap buildNode
, including the following:
buildElementCursor :: MonadThrow m => Consumer Event m (Maybe Cursor)
This ignores any non-element nodes and returns the elements as cursors
that we can manipulate with the handy XPath-like combinators
in Text.XML.Cursor
The following function, for example, parses an IndexCatalogueRecord
element and
returns its identifier and a list of places of publication, without any fussy streaming parser business:
parsePlaces :: MonadThrow m => Consumer Event m (Maybe (T.Text, [T.Text]))
parsePlaces = fmap parseRecord <$> buildElementCursor
parseRecord cursor = (head recordId, places)
recordId = cursor $/ element "IndexCatalogueID" &/ content
places = cursor $// element "Place" &/ content
Suppose we just want to print these to standard output so that we can pipe them to a file.
We can write another consumer that wraps parsePlaces
printPlaces :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => Consumer Event m (Maybe ())
printPlaces = parsePlaces >>= traverse (liftIO . printRecord)
printRecord (recordId, places)
= TI.putStrLn (T.concat [recordId, " ", T.intercalate ", " places])
Then we just plug this consumer into the appropriate place in our streaming parser:
main = do
path <- decodeString . head <$> getArgs
runResourceT $ parseFile def path $$ tagNoAttr "IndexCatalogueRecordSet" $ many_ printPlaces
Now we can process 907,632 records in a 625-megabyte XML file as 907,632 little DOMs, in a constant amount of memory (and only a handful of megabytes of it). And since we're using conduits, we get all kinds of nice guarantees about resource management that we wouldn't have with the usual lazy I/O-based approaches.